"Feeling energized, feeling awoke and strong, Thanks to FeelGreat NYC I just had an amazing IV Session, I had the Performance vitamin package and weight loss booster. I highly recommend this service, Visit there location, Yonkers, New York City. Make sure you come visit and have there amazing session. " 

Hector Guadalupe
Founder of A Second U Foundation

 "Mara, just to let you know and give update, I feel sooooooooo good. I parked the car in the garage and I was able to walk up in the incline, I was usually completely wiped out. Thank you so much. " 

Marta Medenard
A ER Nurse, An amazing mother and a Super Grandmother.

 "I feel Great! The place has a very relaxing ambiance. It is very spa-like. This chair is very awesome. It has heat and massage. Come and experience this IV Hydration Therapy. You'll FeelGreat!" 

Jerome Amanquiton
New York City Marathon Runner